
This chapter showcases a carefully curated selection of colors that represent the Van der Plas identity. From the primary palette to the secondary hues, each color has been thoughtfully chosen to embody our brand’s values, evoke energy, and create a strong visual presence. Together, these colors form a cohesive and captivating palette that distinguishes Van der Plas.

Primary colors

Metallic Blue and Marine Blue function as the primary colors of the brand. These colors represent the core of the Van der Plas brand with its heritage found in the iconic trucks (Metallic Blue) and the darker blue tone of the previous logo (Marine Blue)..

These colors represent the core of Van der Plas and are used for primary touchpoints like stationary and trucks.

Metallic Blue

Pantone:842C / 543U
CMYK:50 15 0 0
RGB:127 180 221

Marine Blue

CMYK:100 90 20 40
RGB:42 66 0


Primary color combinations

Our brand book showcases a collection of color combinations that strike a balance between harmony and contrast. These carefully curated palettes offer a harmonious blend of hues for a cohesive and consistent visual identity, while also incorporating contrasting elements that add depth and visual interest.

Usage examples

Secondary colors

Secondary colors bring vibrancy and versatility, expanding our visual identity. They complement our primary palette, enabling captivating designs while maintaining brand consistency.

The use of the secondary palette has a huge range and keeps the brand feeling fresh and nonrepetitive. Examples of use are social media, campaigns, and employer branding.

Dahlia Pink

CMYK:0 20 5 0
RGB:255 214 218


Sunflower Yellow

CMYK:0 5 90 0
RGB:255 210 44


Grass Green

CMYK:73 0 100 0
RGB:0 205 0


Soft Gray

Pantone:Cool Gray2C/Cool
CMYK:0 0 0 15
RGB:229 229 229


Rose Magenta

CMYK:0 100 50 0
RGB:255 10 90


Pioen Orange

CMYK:0 85 100 0
RGB:255 72 0


Forest Green

CMYK:86 44 94 55
RGB:0 61 19


Royal Blue

Pantone:2132C / 286U
CMYK:100 57 0 0
RGB:8 83 241


Secondary color combinations

Our brand book showcases a collection of color combinations that strike a balance between harmony and contrast. These carefully curated palettes offer a harmonious blend of hues for a cohesive and consistent visual identity, while also incorporating contrasting elements that add depth and visual interest.

Dark colors on light backgrounds

Light colors on dark backgrounds

Usage examples



How to select the right combinations

Look for colors that harmonize or contrast with the dominant colors in the picture. Harmonizing colors create a cohesive and calming effect, while contrasting colors add vibrancy and visual interest.

Example: harmony

Example: contrast

Flowers and Greenery and foliage background color.

Example: seasonal

If the flower picture represents a specific season, consider selecting a seasonal color to illustrate the vibe.


Webshop Color

Webshop colors are provided for the webshop. This is the only place where they are allowed to be used. They serve as backgrounds for product photos. The colors are softer and contrast nicely with each other. These colors may not be used in other expressions or applied to the logo and/or illustrations.

For the webshop, the colors can be used in harmony and contrast with the products.

Lemon Yellow

Pantone: n.v.t.
CMYK:0 0 0 0
RGB:255 231 138


Crystal Blue

Pantone: n.v.t.
CMYK:0 0 0 0
RGB:156 189 255


Mint Blue

Pantone: n.v.t.
CMYK:0 0 0 0
RGB:147 233 244


Citrus Green

Pantone: n.v.t.
CMYK:0 0 0 0
RGB:143 245 154


Candy pink

Pantone: n.v.t.
CMYK:0 0 0 0
RGB:255 205 255


Usage examples

How to select the right combinations

Look for colors that harmonize or contrast with the dominant colors in the picture. Harmonizing colors create a cohesive and calming effect, while contrasting colors add vibrancy and visual interest.

Example: Big blok

Example: webshop

You can see here how the webshop colors are applied. The colors match the products as a background. The combination of colors is beautiful and calming and fits the entire webshop.


Color in Illustration

Both primary colors and secondary colors are utilized strategically in illustrations to amplify their impact. These vibrant hues add depth and dimension to our visual storytelling, infusing our illustrations with energy and personality.

Illustration with colors


The following examples highlight some color combinations that need to be concerned in use.

1. Dark colors on dark backgrounds

2. Bright red

3. Light colors on light backgrounds

It is not advised to combine two dark colors since they do not have enough contrast.

Vibrating colors or combinations of colors with the same intensity are unpleasant for the eyes.

It is not advised to combine two light colors since they don't have enough contrast.

4. Layout without illustration should not have more than 3 colors from the color palette

Text, logo, and logomark should be in the same color.

Exception case: Layout with illustration

All color on one page should not be more than 6.

Text + Logo + Background: 2 Colors Maximum
Illustration: 4 Color Maximum

Metallic Blue usage

For printed matter, stationary, special invitations, or other celebratory moments it is optional to use an alternative for the Metallic Blue primary color. Which is a special Pantone with actual metallic ink.

Metallic Pantone


